Grantee Stories

New York City 3rd graders with new fiction books for independent reading that their teacher obtained through the Olga Graham Inspiring Teachers' Fund

Supporting great teachers’ classroom projects through the Olga Graham Inspiring Teachers’ Fund

Founded in 2000 by a NYC teacher, helps public school teachers nationwide enhance their students’ learning experiences. is dedicated to combatting the tremendous inequities in US public education, where budgets are stretched thin and teachers often work without the resources needed to implement innovative lessons for their students. To try and address these unmet needs, teachers in a typical year spend $1.6 billion on classroom supplies from their own pockets! 

Through the website, public school teachers from kindergarten through high school submit classroom projects for funding and individual donors select projects they would like to support. Projects may range from books to art and music supplies to technology, sports equipment and field trips – any tools or experiences requested by teachers in need.  


With, GFF saw a unique opportunity to honor the career of Olga Graham as a dedicated elementary school teacher in the Bronx. Since 2009, GFF has helped achieve equity in public education through their match program.  

We established the Olga Graham Inspiring Teachers Fund, which puts up a 50% match offer on projects we select, primarily in NY and CA. This fund encourages other inspiring teachers to give their students another chance to succeed, as Olga always did with her philosophy that ”it’s never too late for second chances.”  

Dorothy Graham visiting offices in NYC in 2015, meeting with staff Margie Cadet (left side) and Katie Bisbee (right side).

Over 250 inspiring educators to date have had their projects funded in loving memory of Olga Graham. The amazing breadth of funded projects and their impact is reflected in the examples below. 

We are so grateful for the Olga Graham Inspiring Teachers Fund’s support of our teachers and students. Their contribution continues to inspire a love of learning, wellness, and leadership for so many students in and outside of the classroom.


Funded projects


Student learning experiences

0 +

Teachers supported

DonorsChoose Blog 2018
DonorsChoose Blog 2018Honoring an Exceptional Teacher and Inspiring Others
Dorothy Graham’s mother must have been an incredible teacher. Dorothy’s mother, Olga Graham, was a public school teacher who inspired hundreds of students throughout her career.


A Sample of our 850+ funded Teachers' Projects

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